culture-based strategies for territories
Think global, act local

Scenario Montagna
Since 2005 one of the first festivals “on mountain” in Italy. Cultural sites, natural landscapes, forests, fortresses, great artists, site-specific events. The Scenario becomes the protagonist.

SM Productions
Our original productions, suited for any place that has something to tell: festivals, theaters, corporate events, cultural sites. Science, Music, Cinema, History: our productions capture the emotions in it and drive them into stories to tell.

Parallel Narratives
AI meets classical and contemporary music and creates innovation together with the audience attending concerts, involving new artists and new audiences, connecting them within a new cultural ecosystem.

Associazione culturale LUCAS – Libera Unione di Cultura Arte e Spettacolo
Via Luigi Leonardo Colli, 24. Torino C.F. 97622390017 P.IVA IT08407090011